Sunday 19 February 2012


Part of my half term holiday was spent travelling around on trains and anyone who knows me knows I'm not too good at sitting still!

Decided to experiment with taking some photos...

Friday 17 February 2012


One of my favourite things about London is the contrast between historical buildings and the sharp lines of modern architecture...some bits more attractive than others :0)

Hope you like these shots I took today...

Thursday 16 February 2012

Home Comforts

Spent the last two days in Hertfordshire seeing my sister and best mate. It's funny how escaping the city for a couple of days makes everything seem different when you get back.

Here are some shots I took in Hitchin, (my home town), before the woman in the camera shop had a go at me for using a LOMO camera and upsetting her machine...stupidly didn't get my shots on a disk so these iPhone ones will have to do for now.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Alternative Valentines Day

Tuesday 14th Feb...Valentines Day.

Apparently we have Chaucer to blame for Valentines Day...he invented the tradition in one of his books. 

Anyway, today's post has nothing to do with spending too much money, or making people feel lonely... Here are a few interesting images I captured today on my way to the cinema in Angel...

Hope you like them.

These photos were taken of a burnt out house round the corner from where I live.

The smell from the fire woke me up a few weeks ago.

I liked the contrast of the pigeons fluttering about in the dark windows.

The next photos were taken from the Tinderbox cafe on the balcony at the Vue centre, Islington. My coffee cup reflected in the first seems i'm unable to escape my caffeine addiction in more ways than one! 


Beauty in Strange Places

Monday in half term...always filled with self inflicted pressure...Make the most of your free time! You never get enough...don't squander a second!

My day started with a trip to the V&A followed by a walk from South Kensington to Covent Garden.

It struck me whilst walking out of Knightsbridge past Green Park that surrounded by expensive shops and pearl clad women, the beauty lay elsewhere...decaying buildings still standing resolute amongst the bustling wealth, hidden sculptures...

Even the iconic Ritz sign twinkly feebly through the drizzle had a certain charm to it. It's so much more fun falling in love with the city for the reasons noone expects!

Let The Adventure Begin

Life is the only great adventure we will have and what an adventure..!

This blog is a chance for me to document and share the little things and the amazing things that I plan to do this year. 

If anyone else is interested, please feel free to follow it! 

Let the adventures begin...